Building schools in Zambia
Posted by Stevo | 20 Sep 2017
Being a teacher and a chaplain and unhinged we were asked to set up schools in North West Zambia. It was on behalf of a mining company to give something back to the community. It was tough work and we ended up concentrating on just one school. It was a great success and is still going strong. The first picture is of the school we set up from the air (still in construction at time of photo). The second one is of my daughter at the junior school once it was more established.
While we were there I drove boats up from South Africa to start a small rowing programme at the school and the surrounding community. We all had a great time playing and training in the boats and some students even went to compete at the South African schools championships! It tied in well to some of the objectives of the rowing expeditions – bringing Zambians in to contact with their water supply and getting people out rowing, being healthy and having fun.
It also tied in well to FISA’s objective of getting more people in developing countries rowing. One of the students that we taught to row then came with the expedition to cross Kariba! We’re in New Zealand now but we’re going back as a family in July and August to reconnect with our friends and some of the work we did there and to join the expedition to row down the Kafue. We’ll be bringing with us some coaching resources so that we can get together with the Zambian coaches and learn from each other.
Big Love – Rev. James Stephenson (Stevo).
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